Life of God in the Soul of Man

Publisher: Christian Heritage, 1995
A classic on the subject of holiness and personal reflecton. This book, initally printed as a pamphlet to help a backslidden friend, was passed by Susanah Wesley to her son Charles in Oxford who in turn gave it to George Whitefield and was instrumental in bringing him to faith. The third section: 'The Aids to True Religion' is particularly helpful. J.I. Packer forwards this modern reprint sighting it as being one of the most influencial books that he has read. A quick search through the internet will show you what a great impact this book had shortly after its initial printing, influencing, I believe the Wesley Holiness Movement, particular in the early days of the Holiness Club and subsequent development and through Whitefield touched many a life in the USA. Wesley used it there also, reading from it as an alternative to the attractions of a ball that was held in Georgia.
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